Seasonal News & Diary
Plants for damp / shady ground
Planting in partial shade Three top plants that enjoy damp soil and partial shade ...
Plants for wildlife & gardeners
Make your garden more attractive We have a leaflet full of advice on how to choose plants that are pretty ...
Meadows & No-Mowing
Meadows & No-Mowing New Purple Piglet leaflet for those of you interested in adding meadow or no-mow areas to your ...
Seasonal Garden Tips & Projects
Terrarium Bottle Gardens
Terrariums make a great focal point and an ideal way to look after some of the more delicate, architectural house ...
Support your climbing plants
Some climbers need a bit extra help and support new ppp supporting your climbers ...
Rose up a post!
Rose up a post Improve your garden and your life by growing a rose up a post! new PPP Rose ...
Pots of Spring flowering bulbs
Pots of Spring flowering bulbs Welcome Spring with a show of Spring flowers new ppp pots of spring flowering bulbs ...
Lighting up your Winter Garden
Lighting up your Winter garden Cheer up those long winter nights by adding attractive lighting features to your garden new ...
Indestructible House Plants
Indestructible House Plants A great collection of attractive, hardy and undemanding house plants new ppp indestructible house plants ...
Houseplants for Health & Style
Healthy Life & Style Use houseplants to add health, style and life to your home new -ppp houseplants for health ...
Dinner B&B for your birds
Treat your garden birds Consider including bird baths and bird feeders to attract more birds to your garden new ppp ...
Bright Shade
Bright Shade Freshen up any dull corners of your garden new ppp bright shade ...
Growing Climbers up Trees & Shrubs
Climbing Plants Using trees and shrubs to support climbing plants allows you to fit even more flowers into your garden! ...
Winter Patio Pots
Winter Patio Pots It's too late for you to start planting winter flowering pansies in your pots, so you will ...
Pot of Bulbs
Packing lots of bulbs in layers can give a fantastic effect. The joys of layering different bulbs Click the "Download ...
Sweetpeas Pot
Grow your sweetpeas in a pot this summer. Move your sweet pea display where you like by growing them in ...
Spring Lawns
Springtime Lawn Recovery If you only do one thing this spring, please give your lawn a feed! Click the "Download ...
Herb Tower
Make your own herb tower Arrange 3 pots stacked on top of each other to create a pretty and productive ...
Give a bird a home
Nov - Jan is the perfect time to put up nest boxes Our gardens provide a rich diversity of habitat ...
12 Carefree Pollinators
Help our bees! A range of attractive, easy to care for plants that will encourage bees and other pollinators in ...
9 Winter Garden Treasure
Collect a Winter Garden Treasure Box It's great fun exploring your garden or local park and woods to collect "Winter ...
8 Winter / Spring for Birds
Our Winter / Spring Plants for birds Help to choose the best plants to encourage and feed the birds and ...
7 Triumphant Tulip Tub
Stunning Spring Bulbs Planting your bulbs in layers can create a stunning display in Spring Click the "Download button" to ...
6 Spring Pot Restoration
Restoring old pots for the new season Get your pot displays ready for Spring Click the "Download button" to save ...
5 Mulching is a MUST
Everything you ever needed to know about mulching What is mulching, and where and when to do it... Click the ...
3 Indoor Winter Crops
Grow your own crops to enjoy on your Winter Dinner Table Fresh and tasty crops you can enjoy throughout the ...
Christmas Wreath
Using your garden plants to make a Festive Wreath At Christmas, it is traditional to decorate our homes with a ...