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Tel: 01506 834433


Love The Plot You’ve Got

A national campaign supported by Newhopetoun Garden Centre in Edinburgh. Love your outdoor space whatever size or shape it might be.


Continuing our aim to help everyone enjoy their outdoor space more (even if they don’t enjoy too much gardening), we are promoting the Removable Garden this year.

If you are renting your home, you may be disinclined to make too many permanent improvements and investments in your garden. So why not consider temporary (and removable) features, such as removable screens, ground coverings, furniture and pots / planters. You can then organise and decorate your outdoor space to suit your tastes and requirements, and take them with you if you decide to move on to another property.



You can easily enjoy your outdoor space and be proud of it!

We always ask how many people who own a house would list housework as a hobby… for most of us it’s a chore. So, just because you have a garden it doesn’t mean that you would say gardening is a hobby.

Some of us are addicted to gardening and would always prefer to be out in the garden rather than in the house. But for most of us we are sitting on the gardening scale of interest somewhere between reluctant marginal gardener – to hostile to any sort of gardening!

‘Love the Plot You’ve Got’ aims to help all of us who would like to be in a lovely outdoor space but not to be doing much, if any, gardening. Here at New Hopetoun Gardens we think we can help you with this ambition – our team are full of suggestions and advice. We have a wonderful collection of Carefree Garden Plants with which you can decorate your outdoor space and which will work for you not make work for you!

Newhopetoun Garden Centre have demonstration gardens to inspire you and give you ideas of how to achieve the effect you want:


 Balcony Garden
Even if you only have a balcony as your outdoor space you can decorate it creatively!
Our balcony against the Orangery building has been furnished with artificial grass and Elho coloured plastic pots filled with Carefree Garden Plants. Have a look at it on your next visit and see if you have a corner of your garden, or a whole balcony, where you can create a carefree space to enjoy.

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The Portable Edible Garden
So many of the younger generation are having to rent their homes and there can be some reluctance to improving the garden and investing in plants that will only benefit the landlord when they move on. Everything in this garden is portable and you can keep it all when you move on! From the decking and the artificial grass to the Gazebo and trellis fencing can go with you. All the plants are in portable containers and they are all edible herbs and salad crops.
In our Potager Garden here we have planted our favourite ‘Transformer’ crops, inspired by Mark Diacomo in his book ‘The New Kitchen Garden’. Mark writes ‘If you only grow one thing, let it be the transformers. Small in volume, large in flavour, transformers add zest to meals, encouraging even the plainest ingredients into life.’
Why not try growing some transformers in your garden or windowsill if you don’t already do so?



Chic in the City

First shown at Gardening Scotland several years ago this basement garden was designed for a 35 year old professional couple who wanted to decorate their outdoor space which was always on view from the living room. They weren’t interested in too much gardening but wanted to enjoy a well decorated outdoor space when they weren’t working.

It is being made over this spring by its new young owners as it had been ignored in recent years and they are looking forward to enjoying lovely summer evenings and weekends in their outdoor space!



‘art in the garden’

This garden is appearing at this year’s Gardening Scotland show at Ingliston at the end of May. It will be rebuilt here after the show. It’s owner doesn’t want to be gardening but he does want to use his outdoor space to display some of his collection of art and to be ablke to entertain and relax in it.

With clever use of various different screening materials the garden is divided into three areas, for a quick coffee break, for eating outdoors and for relaxing in. Glimpses of all of the spaces can be enjoyed from inside the house.

The garden is decorated with Carefree Garden Plants which are so easy to look after but are very stylish additions to the garden.



colour-garden-cover-214x300Carefree Garden Plant Collection

Colour your garden using plants from our Carefree Garden Plant Collection!
These are all stylish garden plants that require very little maintenance but will decorate your garden delightfully. Arranged like a decorator’s colour palette or paint chart they have been chosen to help everyone enjoy a lovely carefree outdoor space.








Look at the national campaign website for all sorts of suggestions and ideas for your own outdoor space –