Open: 10am - 5pm | Tearoom: 10am - 4.30pm
Tel: 01506 834433

Seasonal Gardening Projects

Seasonal News & Diary

Houseplant Tips

Houseplant Tips

Spring Houseplants Top Spring tips to choose and look after your houseplants ...

Plants for damp / shady ground

Plants for damp / shady ground

Planting in partial shade Three top plants that enjoy damp soil and partial shade ...

Plants for wildlife & gardeners

Plants for wildlife & gardeners

Make your garden more attractive We have a leaflet full of advice on how to choose plants that are pretty ...

Meadows & No-Mowing

Meadows & No-Mowing

Meadows & No-Mowing New Purple Piglet leaflet for those of you interested in adding meadow or no-mow areas to your ...

Vegetable Trugs

Vegetable Trugs

Stylish Wooden Veg Trugs Now Available Three sizes: 1m, 1.8m & "narrow" ...

Seasonal Garden Tips & Projects



Grow your own chips this year Growing tatties in bags, barrels or tubs is easy and fun! Click the "Download ...

Spring Lawns

Spring Lawns

Springtime Lawn Recovery If you only do one thing this spring, please give your lawn a feed! Click the "Download ...

Herb Tower

Herb Tower

Make your own herb tower Arrange 3 pots stacked on top of each other to create a pretty and productive ...

8 Winter / Spring for Birds

8 Winter / Spring for Birds

Our Winter / Spring Plants for birds Help to choose the best plants to encourage and feed the birds and ...

6 Spring Pot Restoration

6 Spring Pot Restoration

Restoring old pots for the new season Get your pot displays ready for Spring Click the "Download button" to save ...

5 Mulching is a MUST

5 Mulching is a MUST

Everything you ever needed to know about mulching What is mulching, and where and when to do it... Click the ...