Seasonal News & Diary
Plants for damp / shady ground
Planting in partial shade Three top plants that enjoy damp soil and partial shade ...
Plants for wildlife & gardeners
Make your garden more attractive We have a leaflet full of advice on how to choose plants that are pretty ...
Meadows & No-Mowing
Meadows & No-Mowing New Purple Piglet leaflet for those of you interested in adding meadow or no-mow areas to your ...
Seasonal Garden Tips & Projects
Spring Lawns
Springtime Lawn Recovery If you only do one thing this spring, please give your lawn a feed! Click the "Download ...
Herb Tower
Make your own herb tower Arrange 3 pots stacked on top of each other to create a pretty and productive ...
8 Winter / Spring for Birds
Our Winter / Spring Plants for birds Help to choose the best plants to encourage and feed the birds and ...
6 Spring Pot Restoration
Restoring old pots for the new season Get your pot displays ready for Spring Click the "Download button" to save ...
5 Mulching is a MUST
Everything you ever needed to know about mulching What is mulching, and where and when to do it... Click the ...